From @donbratman: He was smoking his last joint. He wanted to quit after that. He was sitting in his bathtub and playing with his mug. He dipped it but it kept coming back up. It suddenly hit him. "EUREKA" he screamed and ran all around town naked. He went back into the bathtub to smoke again.
From @Riddhiaswani: I re-read my teenage diary, grinning in self deprecation at the obvious hysteria and angst lining the pages. Words after words of bemoaning wails and cupid curses, yet the mystery of heartbreak eluded me. As another page of sobs turned over, I wrote a letter to 14 year old me. The heart heels. Eventually.
From @dumbsterr:
"There it is! Covered in gulaal and gold!" the girl shrieked as she struggled on her weak fathers' shoulder, trying to see the small Ganesh idol far ahead.
Her father heaved a sigh of relief.
"Why such huge crowd today?” the father asked a devotee beside.
"The idol. It's missing since last 2 hours."
From @SarwarBaig: Gabbar Singh is the dumbest villain ever, thought Sohail. He had trouble remembering the reward on his head or national holidays. Relied on Sambha for sniping. Got his butt kicked by an old man with no hands. Couldn't keep count of bullets. He himself admits, "Humka kuchchh nahi pata." Who the hell made him Sardar?
From @roshd: The master reached way too late for the banquet the King had thrown to celebrate the birth of his first-born the crown prince. You missed the Lord, they told him. No I did not, He replied with a twinkle in his eye, thinking of the time he spent playing and eating in the lepers' colony.
From @SupraMario:
As the world hurtled past him and gusts of wind slapped his face, he had a sudden realisation. It was all just a misunderstanding. He wasn’t to blame. He wasn’t at fault. This needn’t be the end.
The ground grew closer and the air, warmer. He wished he’d thought of this before he jumped off.
From @2emkay: The Pillow was drenched. He was profusely sweating, tossing and turning. The image appeared. She and him, behind his back. The Nightmare was alive and kept him awake, every moment.
He clutched the blanket and yanked it hard.
“Meow” cried Bella, startled.
And then it struck - She wasn’t with him, she was with her.
From @vinaykola: And in that one crystallizing moment, everything else seemed to make sense. His blood pressure rose; he felt happy. Finally unburdened, he moved gracefully towards the ball and curled it into the top corner. His teammates ecstatically formed a human mountain on top of him. "I belong here”, he thought to himself and smiled.
From @anubhavjalan: His morphogenesis into breast led him go delusional. The Identity crisis fuelled his imagination and the prospect that everyone is watching “it”.
Living the moments with tragedies, breast had exquisite feelings and explicit demands. And he suddenly realizes that yearning to hear what he wants to hear rather than what is being said is parody.
From @Dayadarwazatodo: A treatment delayed, an operation gone wrong, an illness for life, hormonal changes, chemotherapy, nausea, loss of appetite, loss of hair, a million medicines, a huge hole in the pocket, mood swings, some side effects that stayed too long and a sudden realization, that life is too short, and too precious.
From @me_abstract: He had to leave for reasons then. Now he cannot stay for his. She did not understand Him then and cannot accept him now. Blaming Him didn't help and abusing him does not soothe. Suddenly an epiphany clearly shocking and still blurred that that is still not over yet. And this was not that simple.
From @Oxymoronic_Me: As she orgasmed, she felt nothing. No pain. No pleasure. No hurt. No happiness. The focus of climaxing made her feel nothing. That one moment. That one point of endless time. When there was no one but the two of them. At a height that was otherwise insurmountable. There was only the epiphany or nirvana.
From @AnOddYellow: Earlier he looked at some of his children with awe and at some with disgust. He got frustrated when they were wasting their lives, sad when they lived in misery and happy when they succeeded and were happy. One day he realized, he had to love them all equally and always, for he was God.
"Life cannot exist without Foxygen and Swater. Only our planet has these," said the scientist.
"So, where did the UFO come from?" he continued, "We have studied the eight planets. Ours is the coolest, making life possible. There isn't any other planet with a liquid like substance..."
"Earth!" shrieked a researcher in an epiphany.
“So what do your daughters do?” asked the prospective in-laws.
“I have two daughters. The elder one is into interior designing. The younger one constantly gets visions about the future” said Mr. Sharma nervously offering them a Samosa.
“What are their names?” they asked. “Stephanie and Epiphanie” he said as he bit into his Samosa.
From @AapChutiyeHain:
“Why do people think I'm you? Answer me!”
“Answer me, why do people think that I'm you.”
“I think you know.”
“No, I don't.”
“Yes, you do. Why would anyone possibly confuse you with me? “
“I... don't know.”
*chuckles* “You got it.”
“Say it.”
“Because we're the same person.”
“That's right.”
From @RealFartShady:
"I’m going to separate myself from world for one year. I'll workout and teach myself Brazilian jujitsu so I can rescue her and be a hero!"
"That’s fucking stupid."
"True.....hey wait, I’ll just find a new girlfriend!!"
Stepping into the waiting-room: Her granddaughter came running: crying! Have you seen my nani? I’ve lost her.
From @Anjana_Murali: The mother held her baby close to herself. She kept remembering the realisation she had yesterday when the nurse handed the newborn to her. She had instantly recognized it as another baby only to remain quiet after being informed that the only other baby born that day was stillborn.
“But honey…”
“Mom! Don’t worry, I’ve a plan.”
“Epiphanies. I read somewhere that William James experienced visions that inspired him to write all his poems . I just have to wait for my share of epiphanies.”
The mother smiled at her innocent remark.
Watching the apple on the green grass was when Isaac had his epiphany and the world received the Newton Laws.
A heavenly fragrance embraced him. "Allah hu Akbar" were his last words as he smiled to experience epiphany.
33 people in the room. Nobody seemed to care for me except her. Everytime I looked around, she knew it and stared down on me.
I got up, collected my things, went straight to her. Handed over my answer sheet to the lady invigilator, and walked out.
"ufff.,, I've written enough to pass.."